Thank you

Just a little blog to say thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my blog My girls meet peter capaldi ( little dalek ) and also for reading my eldest daughters blog bout her struggles with her sisters autism.

You have all given kind words and we are very grateful. As you can imagine we don’t always get nice things said to us when out and about with Roxann.

People can be so mean either just giving us dirty looks or saying very hurtful things.

You have all inspired me to write more about Autism and day to day life the ups and the downs. So thank you for giving me courage.

We can not thank the doctor who team for helping make Roxann’s dream come true and for giving us wonderful memories.

As we know Peter Capaldi is a massive whovian so am she that when he took the time to talk with us and also reassure Roxann that he has the say so from Matt it took him back to being a little boy enjoying doctor who himself.

I’ve read some hurtful things on the internet too but I say they are not even 1% of all the wonderful things being said. But just to clarify Peter was not asking Roxann’s permission to be the doctor he was asking and reassuring her that he will Joining on her imaginary games and adventures she plays.
Roxann is a massive doctor who fan and she out smarts me on her on the program. If you ask Roxi what she wants to be when older she always says a dalek…….to cute. Then she says she would like to be in doctor who and be famous. 🙂 again a little whovian just like Peter Capaldi.

So once again a massive thank you to the doctor who team to Jenna and Peter and to you all 🙂
